We caught the travel bug over 30 years ago on our first international trip during our honeymoon (way back in 1994!). Then we traveled on-and-off whenever our jobs and budget would allow…usually one weekend every month or two, and, whenever possible, a longer trip (a full week!) once a year.
A few years ago we finally asked ourselves, “what are we working for”? Our jobs provided a great living, and we liked them, however, they were no longer enough to make us happy. It was then we decided to retire early and start to experience more from life by traveling.
Joel – the best selfie-stick! (at a black sand beach on Maui)
Who does what here: Honestly, it’s really a good collaboration. We both decide where to go and plan the trip together. Once at our destination Jeri takes most of the pictures for our website, though Joel has a much longer arm and is better at taking our selfies. Once the pictures are done then Jeri writes the post and Joel edits it before it goes live. Joel is also the IT guy when things go wrong (but what could possible go wrong when a computer is involved?)
We started this website as a place for us to document our journey for family and friends. We hope you enjoy traveling with jj.
Transiting the Panama Canal
164 articles
Who does what here? Honestly, it’s really a good collaboration. We both decide where to go and plan the trip together. Once at our destination, Jeri takes most of the pictures and edits them for our website, though Joel has a much longer arm and is better at taking our selfies. Once the pictures are done then Jeri writes the posts and Joel edits them before they go live. Joel is also the IT guy when things go wrong (but what could possible go wrong when a computer is involved?)